Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Website Critique: Museum of Contemporary Art

The site has a distinct, easily recognizable purpose. Their mission statement is reflected and reinforced throughout the site. The URL is logical.

The website is rich with content. It has exhibitions & collections (current, past, upcoming, and mca owned collections), performances, programs and events, membership & support, education resources. I really like the link to related programs that are associated with current shows. The content looks like they are frequently updated.


Nothing is placed on the page arbitrarily. Every item has a visual connection with something else on the page.

Related items are grouped together so they are seen as one cohesive group rather than a bunch of unrelated bits. Items that are not related to each other are not in close proximity to each other. This gives an instant visual clue to the organization and content.

Repetition of some aspect of design runs throughout the website through use of color, page format, spatial relationship and consistent use of same font.


The site navigation is in one area – very convenient for the user and makes it easy to navigate in and around. The content design includes links within links, which are designed as secondary menus.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thesis, thesis, thesis

Sorry I'm behind once again staying on top of my blogs...

Thesis has consumed my life. I can't seem to have a natural conversation with anyone without having a brain freeze. It's just a transient state, I know. I can't wait to turn in all my hard work on Sunday and treat myself with a nap. Oh, that sounds so good right now!

Please stay tuned for my blog overload as soon as I revive myself on Sunday!