Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Website Critique: Street Level Youth Media

Such a great resource for youth who are interested in exploring media arts and technology in multiple forms! The website has a distinct, easily recognizable purpose, and it is transparent through the design, content, and black and white images on the left side of every page. The site prominently features it's vibrant spirit through animated home page which naturally captures visitor's attention.

The content is useful, and helpful and have a substantial amount of significant, interesting text and some visual content. I wish it had a photo gallery of the space, pictures of artwork, or more visual guided pics to enrich the content though. It would be cool if it had message boards or blogs to post artist blurbs/thought process/ideas/feedback.

I like the design and layout. The tabs on top are clear and precise with specific keywords that directly correlates with the designated page information. The content is easily readable by the target audience.

The site have a consistent feel and appearance; easily navigated. The "Home" icon, button is present in the same position on every page in the site but I'm not quite sure if it is an obvious connection for everyone. The use of scrolling is minimized, especially on primary navigation pages. Navigation methods are consistent, intuitive and in similar locations. Places viewers are to click are obvious and it is designed simply so you don't have to do too many clicks to find desired information.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Website Critique: Museum of Contemporary Art

The site has a distinct, easily recognizable purpose. Their mission statement is reflected and reinforced throughout the site. The URL is logical.

The website is rich with content. It has exhibitions & collections (current, past, upcoming, and mca owned collections), performances, programs and events, membership & support, education resources. I really like the link to related programs that are associated with current shows. The content looks like they are frequently updated.


Nothing is placed on the page arbitrarily. Every item has a visual connection with something else on the page.

Related items are grouped together so they are seen as one cohesive group rather than a bunch of unrelated bits. Items that are not related to each other are not in close proximity to each other. This gives an instant visual clue to the organization and content.

Repetition of some aspect of design runs throughout the website through use of color, page format, spatial relationship and consistent use of same font.


The site navigation is in one area – very convenient for the user and makes it easy to navigate in and around. The content design includes links within links, which are designed as secondary menus.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thesis, thesis, thesis

Sorry I'm behind once again staying on top of my blogs...

Thesis has consumed my life. I can't seem to have a natural conversation with anyone without having a brain freeze. It's just a transient state, I know. I can't wait to turn in all my hard work on Sunday and treat myself with a nap. Oh, that sounds so good right now!

Please stay tuned for my blog overload as soon as I revive myself on Sunday!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Website Critique: SAIC portal

Introduction to the Portal

It is a school-based portal. Like most school portals, it addresses multiple audiences with their site. It serves students, faculty, and administrative staff. In my opinion, three key things that make any web site a great website is its purpose, content, and aesthetically pleasing design with smooth navigation. Let’s see how the portal lines up with these elements.


First Welcome Page:

This is the first page we all see as we enter the site. It sets the tone for the site. The SAIC portal is very bland, aside from the bar of blue sky with clouds, it looks like a primitive site put together by a group of amateurs.

This page only needs the Access Login area and help button if you have problems logging in. It also needs a tag back to SAIC main page. Everything else can be deleted because they are just words for show with no purpose. I believe less is more, especially when it comes to designing an aesthetically pleasing website.

Luminis Platform:

Once you are logged in, you are in Luminis Platform. This page is full of TMI, TMI, TMI, too much information—very intimidating. It’s layout is practically boring and when I navigate through the website I feel like I’m in a maze. I am always afraid to look around as I feel burdened with all my options/information and I make a quick escape route and try to focus on my e-mail inbox.

I do like Featured SAIC Art channel but it seems like it could be used as a better focal point toward the top bar or one of top corners. I just noticed Personal Announcements channel right now! Wow. Oh, and a Weather channel too! I never go into Portal to see Chicago weather update!!!

The search box on top has a very slow upload and is non-functional on my Portal.

There are too many tabs on top. It has always confused me. There are times I have had trouble finding things on the site. I do like how the tab colors change to red when you click on it.

Events Calendar tab and Academic Calendar Channel in Luminis Platform can merge and could create a Calendar tab with options.

What’s Happening Channel could just have today’s events and there is no need for tomorrow’s events with an Event Calendar tab on top.

I feel I get enough e-mail about campus announcements, so there is no need to put a Campus Announcement Channel next to my e-mail inbox.

Apply for an Exhibition channel is cool but that could be moved Public Programs tab although “Public Programs” could be named differently.

Finding my way in Chicago channel is practical but that could also be tucked away under Services tab.

Contact info channel is a community directory for employees and is mislabeled as SAIC contact info. I would assume with that kind of channel, we would be able to search everyone who has access to portal including students. Contact Info channel should move under tools tab.

Bookmarks channel—just saw it today for the first time and I don’t see it being useful, personally.

F news channel needs to go. I rarely scroll all the way to the bottom of the Portal to see what’s happening on F news. I like that there’s a link for it in “Public Programs” tab, again, Public Programs tab is too general and I wouldn’t guess to find F news, exhibitions at SAIC, and Public and Special Programs under one umbrella.

Under tools tab, I do not understand why I need to re-login my username and password to access information from Oracle. It should derive automatically from SAIC portal without a halt.

Using E-mail

My main use of the portal is for checking campus e-mail and also for checking course tabs.

One of the biggest weakness about the Portal e-mail system is that it doesn’t save my “sent” messages unless I specifically requests it and it has deleted all of the saved sent messaged at some point without prior warning.

It should have a search box that could search everyone’s saic e-mail address.

My Course tab

This is probably the best tab in the whole site. It’s functional, practical, and is clearly organized.

In my opinion, three elements of a good website, purpose, content, and simple layout with great navigation are in different frequency at the Portal. It seems like a very primitive approach is taken to design SAIC portal with very minimal visual enhancers. The portal puts too much emphasis on the static content and therefore the issue of design and navigation is primarily neglected. They need to simplify the sections and create subsections with organized links by content to provide easy navigation among the site. It has an abundance of great content; it’s just a matter of sorting it out to the appropriate venues while making it aesthetically pleasing. I definitely recommend more visual stimulants!!!

Buckets of rain...

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is having a good start of a week. I proclaimed myself to have the most organized and focused week of school as of yet. Of course, this morning could've been slightly better but regardless I am an optimist. I do what I must and I am hopeful it will transpire through my actions and I will reach my goal.

So, about buckets of rain…sunday evenings I work at a bar (one of my many jobs!) and they always have an array of eclectic bands playing live music. Yesterday evening Mark Dvorak was performing when I got there. As soon as I walked in, the one and the only thing I could hear was his soft beautiful voice and guitar strings following his melody. It was extraordinary. He played a lot of original tunes and some covers. I realized the whole “extraordinary” feeling wasn’t just about the songs; it was also his presence upon the stage. He was very personable, charismatic, funny, humble, and enamored the audience like he was the only thing of existence. One of my favorites was his cover on Bob Dylan's Buckets of rain. I couldn’t find a link of his cover, but here is a link to that song sung by the Wood Brothers.

Buckets of Rain

When I like a song, I am adamant to finding lyrics. I am a huge fan of songwriters and I believe a lot of times they’re unappreciated for their obvious talent and are unrecognized. Still, it’s delightful to see how musicians and songwriters mesh together to create a piece of work that’s exceptional and unique. Here are the lyrics to Buckets of Rain.

"Buckets Of Rain"

Buckets of rain
Buckets of tears
Got all them buckets coming out of my ears
Buckets of moonbeams in my hand
You got all the love honey baby
I can stand.

I been meek
And hard like and oak
I seen pretty people disappear like smoke
Friends will arrive friends will disappear
If you want me honey baby
I'll be there.

I like your smile
And your fingertips
I like the way that you move your lips
I like the cool way you look at me
Everything about you is bringing me

Little red wagon
Little red bike
I ain't no monkey but I know what I like
I like the way you love me strong and slow
I'm taking you with me honey baby
When I go.

Life is sad
Life is a bust
All ya can do is do what you must
You do what you must do and ya do it well
I'll do it for you honey baby
Can't you tell ?


Hi Everybody;

It's great to meet you all!

I am really excited to be in Cyberpedagogy and especially looking forward to all the fun art making with digital technology. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison with my bachelors in '04. I'm taking four classes at SAIC and two prerequisite courses at Oakton this semester. I also work three jobs (out of necessity). So, yeah, I got my hands and (head) full, hence the delay with my introduction. Sorry. I just got a grip over my unruly schedule, at least I THINK I do!

I love to paint, mostly oil paintings, but I work with a wide range of media and tools, which often correlates with my state of mind. I love animals and often I put them in my paintings to make sure their silence is heard. I am an avid graphic designer and a creative junkie. I tend to make ceramic pieces on the spur of the moment, but with meticulous planning. In my free time right now (which is getting shorter by the day!), I am working toward collecting fragments of tangible things from my daily life to put together an art piece/pieces so it would be an anthology of snippets in visual form, a small peek into my life. I got the idea while I was in France earlier this year from an artist who created art pieces solely from found objects. It was fascinating. I also work at a middle school when I am not attending my classes and I absolutely adore young stimulant minds.

I was born to travel! There's nothing like the exhilarating thrill of traveling...well, besides painting and running! I just registered to participate in the Chicago marathon through the American Cancer Society Charity Runner team that's coming up in October. I'm looking forward to the inexplicable experience while supporting a great cause doing it.

So there's a mini bio about me. I hope to get to know you all a little better as the class progresses...
